Today is a good day... and although I miss my Dad very much... I'm also VERY THANKFUL for the 24 years God blessed me with an amazing father, friend, and role model.
His sacrifice and dedication to his three boys and his wife were evident in everything Rick Faires did. He never passed up the opportunity to wrap you up TIGHT in his arms, he ALWAYS answered the phone no matter what he was doing, he never lost the child in the man, he loved unconditionally, taught us a "greater" purpose in life, helped us learn from our mistakes, and embraced every one of our friends as his own.
He and my mom worked tirelessly TOGETHER to create a home so full of love and support for their boys.
I see my dad in my brothers and I can't help but smile. His legacy continues because his purpose was based on a strong foundation of love.
Happy father's day dad. I cherish all that you taught me.