Apologies to EVERYONE for our absence.... a momentous occasion required all of our time, energy, money and life for the past 2 weeks... but dang was it worth it!
So, here is a teaser.... and there will be many more pics to follow that document our GLORIOUS DAY! It was the perfect day all around and although we did much of the work ourselves, we wouldn't have had it any other way! We hope that our DIY wedding was inspiring to all those who attended, and we are anxious to receive feedback from our fellow bloggers, friends, family and fans!

So, let's jump right into it! We've now missed blogging about the past 3 episodes of Design Star, but I'll re-cap quickly and try to focus on the most recent drama! ha
Episode 4- Dan goes home... obviously upset... I felt that I still had a lot more to bring to the theoretical Design Star table... but hey, you only get 1 shot and as I said in my previous blog... there is no 'I' in team, but there is DEFINITELY one in Design Star! At the end of the day I feel like I put my best foot forward... I had A BLAST doing this show... everyone involved.. from camera men & women, to producers, the cast, the sound people... I mean seriously, I cannot tell you how impressed I was with the morale and professionalism.... On the other hand, I was the 2 year old stirring up trouble the whole time and talking too much, so I must say thanks to all of you for entertaining and babysitting me! Bye bye band-aid dan! :(

Moving on..
Episode 5- Firehouse! R u friekin kidding me? So mad I didn't get to partake in this... I have two good buddies (1 in AR and 1 in NC) who are firemen... and these guys DESERVE a refuge more than anyone... the firehouse is basically their home 1/2 of the time, so it's important that they have a nice place to relax. This Season has been ITCHING for some "give back, feel-good flavor"... and they definitely delivered with the firehouse!

At the end of the day I think most of the American public was just glad to see Nina go home... I on the other hand, was happy to see Casey's mural... she had definitely been hiding her AWESOME ARTISTIC TALENT up her sleeve and I think she picked the right time to display it... Alex did a nice job too, but Casey's mural to me was far more inspiring.

Episode 6- DOUBLE ELIMINATION!! Never saw it coming, but I think it came at a good time in this competition. Tom agreed that he had challenged himself in ways he never thought possible, and felt it might be his time to go... what a great man, full of charisma and excitement and WORDS! I understand what he was trying to do with the whole "spa blue" idea, but in this competition you don't experiment painting walls and ceilings crazy dark colors w/ no natural lighting in the space... it's doomed for dark dungeonville. Stacey also seemed happy to go home as long as she beat out Nina! I don't think this was her best challenge and after seeing her emotional breakdown before her hosting video, quite frankly, I think she was just plum wore out! haha

The Red team's room- a complete disaster! NOTHING in that room said trump, or luxury, or even good design besides the chairs uncomfortably sitting around the breakfast table! Sorry, I know that's rude and unlike me... but I was pretty disappointed in my former teammates.

To the winning team- the Blue squad. I have to say I wasn't OVERLY impressed with their design either.... It was clean, modern and much more livable and elegant than the red team's, but that's not saying much! I was impressed with the RISK they took... Michael taking on that table, Casey doing crown molding (GREAT IDEA... I wish I could've helped... oh wait, that's what got me ELIMINATED! HAHA)... All in all, I LOVED the blue team's furniture selection... their ability to mix styles and make them work, the artwork, and what all of them did with their souvenirs... That's what made this challenge SO STINKIN' HARD... NOTHING about those souvenirs screams Trump... Alex did a good job with his pillow, but I felt it was rather underwhelming for him to come out on top in this challenge... and, it seemed like he spent MOST of his time working on it... but hey, that could just be film editing! Either way, Emily did a good job with her artwork (that's what the red team was missing). Michael's table idea I loved and i think if he had a little more time, that it.. and his souvenir lamp would have really made a statement! Casey's artwork above the bed was also a good interpretation of her souvenir that added some metallic luxury to the space.

Good job Blue team... difficult challenge with the parameters... YOU SUCK for getting to shop at ABC CARPET & HOME.... that's my FAVORITE STORE HANDS DOWN EVER ANYWHERE!... I'm sure the budgets were tough, but you did a nice job with your big purchases... and were able to add your own "personal touches" at the end with accessories and art work!

Welp... that's all I have for now... I'm glad we're caught up on the show and I can't wait to share more about the wedding and my experiences back in AR with you!
"I love you guys"...